The Open Border Lobby

The Klan with the Tan is alive and kicking. Here are some racists solidarity groups that negatively influence American politics and way of life:

Listen to audio of remarks made to the Georgia Senate by Georgia state Senator Sam Zamarripa (36th District – Atlanta) on April 17, 2003.

See and listen to a compilation of written and live, recorded statements by other elected U.S. officials and politicians, college professors, and pro-illegal alien activists whose objective is to take control of our country “by vote if possible and violence if necessary!” These speakers are not the “lunatic fringe”. They are some of the most powerful Latino leaders and politicians in America, whose allegiance is to foreigners of their ethnic group, not to the United States.


Read about the Ford Foundation, MALDEF and The Funding of Hate.


MALDEF press release, May 4, 2004, “MALDEF Applauds Introduction Of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation”:

MALDEF joins hundreds of organizations across the country, in a broad-based coalition, to support the Safe, Orderly, Legal Visas and Enforcement Act of 2004 (”SOLVE Act”) and urge Congress to pass it.

“MALDEF has continually advocated for an ‘earned legalization.’ Immigrants [illegal aliens] who demonstrate that they pay taxes, have a job, and pass a security test should be able to qualify for legal status.”

As the larger, more comprehensive legislation is debated, MALDEF urges Congress to pass AgJOBS (S. 1645) for the agricultural sector, and the DREAM Act (S. 1545) for students, which are bipartisan solutions to current inequities facing America’s immigrant community.

See the list of contributors to MALDEF (See the contributors section in this annual report). MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) encourages illegal immigration – see this news release, stating:

Were you arrested recently by the U.S. Border Patrol? Or did you know of someone who was? MALDEF is launching an investigation into the conduct of the Border Patrol during recent raids in Southern California.

See MALDEF corporate contacts.


See information about The National Council of La Raza (”The Race”). Also see the list of contributors to the National Council of La Raza (”The Race”).


See the article Chicano group denied funding – Stanford University students have voted to stop funding the Chicano group MEChA after a series of articles in the conservative Stanford Review accused the organization of racism.

See the MEChA U.C. Santa Cruz website and constitution. Also see:
MEChA University of Oregon El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán.
MEChA Berkeley documents.
Bustamante, MEChA and the media, by Michelle Malkin, August 20, 2003.

“For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada” …
“For the race, everything. For those outside the race, nothing.”


• Update: SPLC RATED “POOR” by Charity Navigator – Net Assets $152 million!
• The Church of Morris Dees
• Morris Dees Fact Sheet


• Anti-defamation League
• Aztlan and Amalgamation, by William Norman Grigg, The New American, May 6, 2002
• Mexicans Have Plans for the American Southwest, by Brenda Walker, Limits to Growth
• Mexicans: Southwest U.S. is ours; Poll also shows Americans want military on border, by Jon Dougherty,, June 12, 2002
• Poll: US-Mexico border opinions differ, UPI, June 12, 2002
• Professor Predicts ‘Hispanic Homeland’, by The Associated Press, 2002
• Race, California’s Final Solution, by Patrick Rooney, The Washington Dispatch, September 3, 2003
• The Road To Aztlan, by David Orland, Boundless Webzine, 2002-2003 feature articles.
• La Raza -Chicano Activism in California, by Diana Hull, The Social Contract (Summer 1999)
• Leader Of Racist Aztlan Movement Calls For French-Style Riots In US

On the streets


Some may think that the reconquista agenda is a myth. The streets, however, tell a different story. On May 14, 2005, hundreds of reconquistas shouted racist epithets at American protesters at Baldwin Park, California. What happened there offers a glimpse into America’s future.


“Osama Bin Laden Rules… Zarqawi the Gringo Killer… Yes! Yes!”

“This is our country… Go back to Europe…”


“Go back to England… Go home gringo!”


bad Osama Bin Laden didn’t have a hydrogen bomb to drop on that Jewish shit hole called Manhattan…”

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