Immigration and Crime: New Studies Examine Crime among Immigrants, Local Enforcement Efforts

WASHINGTON (November 2009) – The Center for Immigration Studies held a panel discussion to explore the issue of immigration and crime. The links to the the two associated backgrounders, as well as links to the panel publications, are available below.

Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Conflicted Issue
A Backgrounder by Steven A. Camarota and Jessica Vaughan
The […]

Sheriff Arpaio silenced by ’singing’ protesters

The highly anticipated First Amendment forum at ASU journalism school, featuring the controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, ended abruptly when protesters broke out in song.
[Cut text]
The intent of tonight’s forum was to give students the opportunity to see the First Amendment in action. Unfortunately and perhaps unwittingly what the protesters accomplished was to mock […]

Democrats Delusional On Obamacare—Whistling Past Halloween Graveyard On Amnesty

Earlier this week, I spoke with a highly placed Capitol Hill lawyer who filled me in on what’s going on behind the scenes with the Democrats, Obamacare and “comprehensive immigration reform.”

He told me that the Democrats are holed up busily trying to draft a version—any version—of health care legislation that they think might pass a […]